We have been harvesting wild medicinal plants for 6 years. Our harvesting area is the Republic of Moldova.
Each species is harvested at its main stage of development in a way that has minimal impact on future plant populations. Each plant has a harvesting season. Please place your order before the start of the harvesting season. We will harvest and ship the herbs to you when they are ready.
Toate părțile acelei plante care sunt situate deasupra solului și care sunt folosite în scopuri terapeutice. Aceasta include tulpina, frunzele, florițele și alte structuri aeriene ale plantei. Aceste părți pot fi folosite în medicina tradițională sau în fitoterapie pentru proprietățile lor curative și benefice pentru sănătate.
Florile medicinale reprezintă o categorie de plante valorificate de secole pentru proprietățile lor vindecătoare și terapeutice Fiecare floare medicinală are caracteristici unice, oferind beneficii precum reducerea inflamațiilor, calmarea nervilor sau îmbunătățirea sistemului imunitar.
Frunzele sunt componente esențiale ale plantelor, oferind beneficii medicinale valoroase datorită conținutului lor bogat în vitamine, minerale și antioxidanți, care sprijină sănătatea sistemului imunitar, digestiv și alte funcții vitale ale organismului.
Medicinal plants are our sources of healing, offering us nature’s gift to support health and balance in a constantly changing world.
The medicinal flowers offered by BioBotanicly are truly remarkable. I tried chamomile and linden infusions and was impressed by their therapeutic effects. Chamomile helped reduce inflammation and calm my nerves, making it ideal for stressful evenings. The linden infusion was perfect for improving sleep and soothing the nervous system. It is evident that these products are of superior quality and come from reliable and controlled sources.
The fruits offered by BioBotanicly are not only delicious but also packed with medicinal properties. I incorporated dried hawthorn and sea buckthorn fruits into my diet and saw a considerable improvement in my health. Hawthorn fruits are rich in antioxidants and helped protect my cells from oxidative stress, while sea buckthorn provided essential fibers for digestive and cardiovascular health. Their authentic taste and purity are clear evidence of the high quality of BioBotanicly’s products
BioBotanicly provides a wide range of aerial parts of plants, such as stems, leaves, and flowers, used in phytotherapy for their healing properties. I used nettle leaves and St. John’s Wort stems in teas and tinctures, and noticed a significant improvement in my health. Nettle leaves were excellent for detoxification and supporting kidney health, while St. John’s Wort stems had a positive effect on my emotional well-being. The products are carefully packaged, and the detailed information about their use is extremely helpful.
The leaves from BioBotanicly are essential for various medicinal preparations. I used peppermint and sage leaves and was extremely satisfied with the results. Peppermint leaves are excellent for improving digestion and relieving headaches, while sage leaves were very effective in supporting the immune system and alleviating cold symptoms. Their rich content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants makes these leaves indispensable for optimal health.